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Functional Medicine

Functional Health

Alternative Medicine

It is critically important to start with the "root cause" of medical issues. 

We should never seek to cover up or mask our symptoms.

Our body is intelligent.

Symptoms are the body's way of saying something is wrong. 

Sadly, doctors substitute the stress of your symptoms and trade it for the overwhelm of:

"test - don't guess."

Except, testing costs money

And for a large amount of people, these extra tests often aren't necessary.

But how am I supposed to know what the root cause of my health problems are, if we don't test? 

Glad you asked. 

We believe the body is capable of healing if given the right tools and support. 

We take the bloodwork you already likely have, tell you what it means, and give you specific, actionable health tools that will make an outsized impact. 

These tools are foundational to true health. 

They work in alignment with how the body is designed.

Whatever the issue is you're suffering from, your body needs these tools to flourish and become well again. 

Then, every month or so, we check in again. 

If you've improved, great! 

If you feel you haven't, we'll send you to someone who we think can help. 

The Process, Explained

Step 1: Book a Free 15 Minute Consultation 

Ask Us Anything. 

We'll get to know you, and chat to see if we're the right fit. 

Step 2: Review Your Health History and Bloodwork 


No obligations. No long-term care plans. No pressure. 

Bloodwork Ranges that are "normal" 

are often just saying that you aren't needing to go to the Emergency Room when they are taken. 

They are designed to catch "really big problems." 

(Which is good!)

But, when we feel run down, tired all the time, bloated, constipated, and have brain fog - and our blood work is "normal"......

Then what? 

That's where we come in. 

If we spot something concerning, we'll send you to someone who we think can help. 

If you feel like you have clarity and answers and you can take action afterward on your own,

We'll bless you to go on your way. 

No contracts, and no pressure. 

If you feel you'd like additional support after this appointment, 

we'd be happy to discuss what that would look like for your specific needs. 

Either way, we want what's best for you. 

Step 3: Work On Your Health. 

Check In With Us For Guidance 


If you decide work with us, we typically give you targeted, easy-to-understand supplements and other lifestyle changes that are backed by science and research. 

We give you recommendations that are meant to be low-stress, but that are meant to make a huge impact. 

We aim to do this at the lowest cost possible. 

Included in your cost is access to email support, information, and community with others over the next couple of months. 

Step 4: Book Follow-Up Sessions 


We schedule 30-minute followup sessions over the next 2-3 months. 

Bring your questions. 

We'll fine-tune your health changes and make sure you're equipped to understand your body. 

At the 3-month mark - we'll talk about the next steps. 

Most of our patients choose to remain in touch and check in once every 6 months or so.

Step 5: Wellness for Life  

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